Context to Shakespeare and R&J

R&J Context

There are many large differences when comparing modern theatre to how it would've been back in Shakespeare times, with highly noticeable change sin the technology used on stage and the acting styles that were used. One of the most noticeable things would be that women were not allowed to act in that era so all characters male or female would have had to be played solely y male actors.

In modern theatre we use things such as a blackout to show scene changes and sometimes we might use a sound effect to get the audience more engaged and to bring them to attention when the show is about to begin. On the other hand, back in Shakespeare's time they clearly were not able to use these things, so actors had to get the audiences attention by themselves. This was not such a bad thing though as it meant it had to be completely natural all the way throughout, in my personal opinion I would definitely prefer this as it truly pushes you to your full extent as an actor.

They would've needed to have been very large and dramatic with their gestures and when speaking lines to maintain the audiences attention and focus solidly throughout. Although back then audience members were a lot less respectful of actors trying to perform on stage, if the audience was not enjoying it then they would make it known whereas audience members in modern theatre would sit by not paying attention if they were not enjoying it.

One of the clear most noticeable changes would be the difference in production, as I have prevision mentioned before, we nowadays are able to use an extensive amount of technology to make it more appealing not only visually but to listen to as well which would then further help to enhance the show itself and engage the audience and keep them interested for what comes next.

Certain themes in Romeo and Juliet include love, relationships between characters and tragedy (one of the more popular themes displayed by Shakespeare). This is most clearly shown by the family rivalry between the Capulet's and Montague's, Romeo and Juliet and Tybalt and Mercutio. These all share the same themes but also very different themes from one another. The deep hatred between the families means nothing when conflicted with the love between Romeo and Juliet who would defy their parents just to be together, further linking into this is their secret marriage by Friar Lawrence who goes against both the families in the ideas that it will better their relationship in the future.

Although love is seen in one way in R&J between the 2 is very different from the way we see relationships of different characters in the play. For example the relationship between Juliet and Lady Capulet is almost non existent regardless of her being her mother, how she would so easily pass her off to Paris regardless of her non existent feelings to him, she saw only the betterment of the Capulet family and not having to deal with Juliet anymore. Another strong example of another kind of love is, the platonic love between Romeo and Mercutio where he was willing to fight Tybalt and die for the protection of his friend.


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