Rehearsal Time September - December (First Term)
We completed the setting up of our blogs and looked at the different ways we could structure it or lay it out. After this we discussed our own knowledge of the plot to Romeo and Juliet in as much detail as we possibly could. Leading on from this we were then split up into groups of 4 to create what we thought as a group were the most important scenes, my group decided this to be where Romeo first meets Juliet, their marriage and when Juliet finds Romeo dead of poison. Today we learnt some improvisation techniques which helped us as a group to focus and to think of things on the spot to keep acting scenes moving fluidly. This is a useful technique as it allows us to adapt if anything goes wrong during the performance and make it seem as if nothing has gone wrong until it is able to get back to what it should be. We began the lesson with a vocal warm up to relax our vocal muscles and to improve not only our pronunciation of certain words, but the articulation of diff...